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Edition #21

Quarterly Review: Measure your progress. Measure what really matters.

In the business world, quarterly performance reviews are a common practice. Organizations use them to analyze their progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their strategy to achieve their goals.

Every year, organizations and brands invest time and resources in crafting their growth strategies, so it's only logical that they also invest time in reviewing the progress of their execution; it wouldn't make sense to wait until the end of the year to be surprised, positively or negatively, by the results.

In addition to reviewing business outcomes, the progress and accomplishments of individuals are also assessed.

That was my reality for many years in the corporate world; quarterly and annual evaluations marked my progress inside the organization; promotions, raises, and other advancements depended on them.

Personal progress beyond the corporate context

I've been fortunate to work in excellent companies that care about their employees' development. However, as is only logical, that personal progress is framed within what the company needs.

That's why each of us, as professionals, must take charge of our own professional growth strategy.

As we're approaching the end of the year's first quarter, I want to share with you a quarterly evaluation guide that I use for my professional life.

This framework integrates four strategic pillars to monitor progress:

P: Professional Development

R: Relationships: Family and Friends

H: Health and Well-being

M: Meaning, Faith, or Spiritual Connection

I believe that personal growth and professional growth are interrelated because we are whole beings. These four pillars are interconnected and reflect the principles developed by Arthur C. Brooks to be happier every day, as Martin E. P. Seligman stated in his book 'Flourish.'

Download the guide here::

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Are you ready to review the progress of your annual goals?

If you still need to set your goals for this year, don't worry! You still have time to do it.

The guide will help you:

  • Defining your purpose, MEGA, or ambition for the year
  • Analyzing your current situation
  • Setting goals
  • Tracking your progress in the first quarter of the year.

Like organizations, individuals must reflect on their progress and reassess their strategy periodically. It is essential to evaluate whether we are making any progress toward our professional goals and what we can do to improve. Quarterly reviews allow us to identify our shortcomings and take the necessary steps to move forward.

Do you find this helpful? I hope you can start using the guide right away.
